Nicoleta Auersperg (she/her)

*1991, Buenos Aires, Argentina





In her sculptural practice, Nicoleta Auersperg engages with the process of form-finding and permanently re-explores it.

For her, the term not only stands for a sculptural process, but always for time- bound, social transformation processes and cultural phenomena that are constantly evolving and changing and that her work reflects upon.

Born in 1991 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nicoleta Auersperg studied Transdisciplinary Art at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna and Textual Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna as well as in the Glass Department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. Her work is exhibited internationally, can be found in public collections, and has been awarded prizes and grants.

She is co-founder of the exhibition space GOMO and lives and works in Vienna and Berlin.




University of applied Arts, Vienna, TransArts
Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, Glasdepartment
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Textual Sculpture (with Heimo Zobernig)

University of applied Arts, Vienna, Skulpturinstitut (with Hans Schabus)
Co-founder of the artist run space GOMO, Vienna




2019 Acquisition Federal Chancellery, Artothek des Bundes, AT

2018 Acquisition City of Vienna, AT

2017 Acquisition State of Lower Austria, AT




2022 Working Grant, City of Vienna

2021 Startstipendium bildende Kunst, Bmkoes, AT

2020 Friends of Salzbuger Summer Academy scholarchip, Salzburg, AT

2019 Otto Mauer project fund scholarchip, AT

2019 50-Years Rietveld Scholarchip, Glasmuseum Leerdam, NL
2017 Up-On International Live Art Festival Chengdu, CH
2014 Fred Adlmüller Scholarchip, University of applied Arts, Vienna, AT
2014 Emanuel und Sofie Fohn Scholarchip, Vienna, AT
2013 Exchange Scholarchip, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL




2017 Artist Residency, Contemporary Art Space, Xining, CH

2016 Artist Residency, Bäckerstrasse, Platform für junge Kunst, AT

2015 Artist Residency, La ira de Dios, Buenos Aires, AR



2019 Lecture at Glasdepartment Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, NL

2017 Lecture at Community Center, Xining, CH

2016 Tutor at University of applied Arts, TransArts Class, Vienna, AT


(s)-solo/duo exhibitions

No time to have you lurking, Bistro 21, Leipzig, DE
Ways to and from, Neccessaire Space, Vienna, AT
Show Show, Salon 75, Copenhagen, DK
Recasted Relations, Exhibit Galerie, Vienna, AT - curated by Ingeborg Erhard and Barbara Pflanzer
BROWSE / SPOT / DATE, Park Space, Vienna, AT
Pride and Prejudice, Arts and Crafts - A Love story, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna, AT - curated by Ulrike Johannsen & Sascha Zaitseva
Supermodels, Kunstraum Super, Vienna, AT - curated by Bianca Pedrina
(s) Starting Five, Bildraum01, Vienna, AT



Things on top of other things, Kunstraum Super, Vienna, AT

Hot Mess, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE

Materialerzählungen, Kunstverein Eisenstadt, AT



Hot Mess, Napoleon Komplex, Berlin, DE



(s) Liquid shapes and soft edges, Lovaas Projects, Munich, DE

Leave to rise, AE Projects, Berlin, DE



How we want to work – Collective Practice and Women Artists’ Complicity,  Das weisse Haus, Vienna

(s) Hot To The Touch, Musa, Museum of Vienna, Vienna

alter materiality, Mz.Balthazar Laboratory, Vienna, AT curated by Antje Prisker

As if falling under a spell, Körnerpark, Project Space Festival Berlin, DE

TELESTRETCH, Ve.sch, Vienna, AT

the boy tumbled off a chair, he did not hurt himself /on the new, Belvedere21, Vienna, AT



(s) Andromeda Minus Triangula, Kunstraum PFERD, Vienna, AT, with Jennifer Gelardo

Tomorrow is Cancelled, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna, AT

and|or—but, yeah*, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurth, AT, curated by  Franz Thalmair

(s) Da im Glas ist Milch, Kunstraum XXY, Berlin, DE

(s) Tambo, Master degree show at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT


DAC, Dimension Art Center, Chonquing, CHN

Document, JZFZ Artspace, Chengdu, CHN
Parallel, Alte Sigmund Freud Univ., Vienna, AT
Essence, Alte Post, Vienna, AT
Heimspiel, GOMO, Vienna, AT
Projektraum Albrechtsfeld, Baeckerstraße4, Vienna, AT


(s) Blaupause, Hermanngasse 19, Vienna, AT
A book is a sequence of spaces, Salon für Kunstbuch, 21er Haus, Vienna, AT
Halarusok, Magyar Mühely Galeria, Budapest, HU


Glaslabsession, Hut Frantisek, Sazava, CZ
Ununseptium, Artdepot, Innsbruck, AT
Open Studio, La Ira de Dios, Buenos Aires, AR
Unikat, Design Monat, Graz, AT

(s) Kugelvorgang, Bachelor Ausstellung, Vienna, AT


(s) Parallel, altes Zollamt, Vienna, AT
opening Vernissage, Locomot, Vienna, AT
Obsession, Galerie Schloss Puchheim, Attnang Puchheim, AT
Wir gehen mit dem Kopf, Skulpturinstitut, Vienna, AT


Smakeljik, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
museum+atelier, national Glasmuseum, Leerdam, NL
open house, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, AT


situaktion, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna, AT
die Kunst der Intervention, Lichtenbergstudios, Berlin, DE